Our new logo designed by the sassy and talented, Danielle Spiewak |
Food for the Soul Train is registered with the state of New Jersey and our dream is becoming a reality! We worked hard these last few months to hone our vision for this business and to craft our Passion Statement:
Food for the Soul Train provides mobile art and writing workshops for all ages. Our mission is to bring creative inspiration to communities everywhere, to offer celebratory play spaces and collaborative environments for learning, and to foster relationships with other artists and writers.
Noé Nuñez, Branch Manager at TD Bank, Nutley |
When we joined the Nutley Chamber of Commerce this month, we explained to Rich Spector that Food for the Soul Train is essentially merging our passions, skills, and expertise under one roof. The "mobile" part of this is MAUDE (Mobile Art Unit Designed for Everyone)--the vintage travel trailer we are in the process of turning into a creativity space. It will likely not hold actual classes, but will serve more as an inspiration and an iconic representation of the art & writing workshops we'll be leading. Aside from private homes and parties, we also envision bringing our workshops to educational facilities. Walking through the room installations at IKEA recently, we realized that Maude is a similar incubator. We are designing a colorful and lively space, which will become a launching pad for ideas, projects and experiences. The vintage trailer will travel with us. It will house our art supplies and peripheral equipment, and on occasion she will be our home away from home. We see it as a space for personal expansion that can grow from quiet introspection.
MAUDE's refurbishment is coming along nicely. The seat cushions are being sewn, her floor has been fortified, and her exterior is getting a polish. She is on target to make an appearance at BraveGirlsArt camp this summer here in Nutley and her OFFICIAL debut will be at Patti Digh's Design Your Life Camp! in Georgia this October. Stay tuned . . .