Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What we didn't think to ask for . . .

Remember a few weeks back we put it out to the Universe that we needed a handyman? Someone who had a bit of extra time, who might be familiar with vintage camper trailers, who could lend us his or her expertise and not cost us an arm and a leg?

Well, what we didn't think to ask for was someone who is not tripped up by the little (big) problems we might find.

What we didn't think to ask for was someone who would arrive on our driveway and get to work without a word, maybe even whistle while doing so.

What we didn't think to ask for was someone who would pop his head out of Maude's door with a huge grin on his face and say, "I love being creative. I was thinking about this issue all night and I came up with a plan."

What we didn't think to ask for was John McCann.

Rebuilding the front door

Measure twice, cut once

A new floor

Doorless for a few days

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Singing her praises. Maude.

Our project is technically named after Maude in the classic movie Harold and Maude, but we were reminded not once, but twice this week of the TV show starring Bea Arthur and it just so happens that the lyrics to the theme song are totally perfect for our Maude, too. We thought we'd share them on a cloudy Saturday morning. Maybe we can sing that last line as we roll through towns and cities near you someday soon . . . 

Lady Godiva was a freedom rider
She didnt' care if the whole world looked.
Joan of Arc with the Lord to guide her
She was a sister who really cooked.

Isadora was the first bra burner
And you're glad she showed up. (Oh yeah)
And when the country was falling apart
Betsy Ross got it all sewed up.

And then there's Maude.
And then there's Maude.
And then there's Maude.
And then there's Maude.
And then there's Maude.
And then there's Maude.
And then there's

That old compromisin', enterprisin', anything but tranquilizing,
Right on Maude.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Interior decorating

It all begins with a to-do list

While we continue our search for the fix-it carpentry whiz / all-things vintage trailer specialist of our dreams, we are diving right into the stuff we REALLY can do something about right now and which - truth be told - is one of the most exciting aspects of getting Maude ready for her debut: interior decorating!

Last week, we took a bike ride to the Fabric Warehouse on the edge of town to look at options for upholstery, pillows, and curtains. So much to choose from!!

We also looked for texture and something neutral
The combination of stripes and florals was appealing

We liked the shapes and colors in this fabric

We thought of fabrics that might pair up well

A few days later, we trolled the maze of IKEA in Paramus, bypassing the cinnamon rolls and Swedish meatballs to look for inspiration. It turns out IKEA sells fabric, too, and we found some sweet ideas for the back couch, the top bunk and a pillow or two. 

There is so much to cover: The booth seats up front, the back couch/bed, and the mattress on the pull-down bunk over the couch. And Maude has more than a half-dozen windows to drape. 

At IKEA, we landed on our final picks - the triangle pattern on the right is for our back couch. The grey-and-white pattern will be on the reverse to offer more of a neutral palette. The word-number fabric on the right will cover the top bunk. And the orange with off-white polka dots will be pillows! Still looking for curtains... 

Debbie Bartell, seamstress and happy art-maker

Our friend and seamstress extraordinaire Debbie Bartell will be sewing and stitching up a storm over the next few weeks.

The three of us returned to the fabric store to look at vinyl options for the booth seating. We also decided to add piping to seal the vintage look. (And we'll let you in on a little secret here: Debbie has never worked with vinyl before, but she is bravely diving in to the challenge.)

All this to say that Maude is coming together!

Also, on a not-so-side note: We've entered Maude in Intuit's "Love Our Local Business" contest. The company is granting 15 wishes for small businesses that need a little help getting off the ground. You can still vote for us here: In the search box, type "Food for the Soul Train" and you'll see a photo of Maude. Voting ends May 12 and you can vote once a day!

Friday, May 3, 2013

First things first

Putting it out to the Universe: We need a handyman, hopefully someone familiar vintage trailer construction. Maude is in need of some body work. The plywood under her metal frame has some rotten spots, one birch panel on the interior wall has water damage and needs replacing. Her door also has water damage and may need replacing, as well. 

We're no experts, and so have no idea what we're looking at exactly, which is why we need some professional intervention. Our budget is...well, conservative...but we WILL pay this magical mystery person who would be willing to help us. Let us know in the comments field below if you or someone you know could come take a look and give us an estimate...