Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What we didn't think to ask for . . .

Remember a few weeks back we put it out to the Universe that we needed a handyman? Someone who had a bit of extra time, who might be familiar with vintage camper trailers, who could lend us his or her expertise and not cost us an arm and a leg?

Well, what we didn't think to ask for was someone who is not tripped up by the little (big) problems we might find.

What we didn't think to ask for was someone who would arrive on our driveway and get to work without a word, maybe even whistle while doing so.

What we didn't think to ask for was someone who would pop his head out of Maude's door with a huge grin on his face and say, "I love being creative. I was thinking about this issue all night and I came up with a plan."

What we didn't think to ask for was John McCann.

Rebuilding the front door

Measure twice, cut once

A new floor

Doorless for a few days

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